Volunteer Needs (email director@ohanahealthclinic.com)
Administrative/Clinic Volunteers:
- Client Advocate *Special Training Required, see below (Seeking Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday shifts)
- Baby Boutique Assistant (11:00am-12:00pm 1-2 days per week)
Client Advocate Training:
Dates: February 25, 27 & March 1 and March 4, 6 & 8
Days/Times: Tuesday & Thursday 6-8:30pm and Saturday 8-11am
Location: Ohana Health, Thousand Oaks
Led by: Nurse Manager Chelsea & Client Advocate Rose
Light snacks will be provided by Ohana!
Please email director@ohanahealthclinic.com for questions or to register.
*must be available to attend all training days
Banquet 2025 Volunteers:
- Church Liaison
- Check-In/Registration Table volunteers
- Setup & Cleanup crew
- Sponsorship Outreach
Material Needs:
We are currently overly-blessed/not accepting: used clothes, baby blankets, bottles, bows, hats
Here is our current list of urgent needs:
- baby wipes **we are LOW STOCK
- size 4 diapers **we are LOW STOCK
- size 5 diapers **we are LOW STOCK
- size 6 diapers **we are LOW STOCK
- Similac Sensitive, Similac Total Comfort & Enfamil Gentle Release formula
We are always accepting new (tags on) maternity clothes & baby clothing ages Newborn-2T as well as unopened diapers, unopened wipes, unopened formula, new/packaged small baby items (no stuffed animals) and new or handmade baby blankets. Due to regulations associated with recall, space and the safety of our clients, we are unable to accept baby equipment such as strollers, cribs, carriers, etc. but we thank you for thinking of our mommies!
Amazon Wish List: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/IFCVYHYLT9W6?ref_=wl_share
Special Project Needs (one time costs):
As Ohana grows, we have had questions regarding specific needs. While ongoing costs and monthly contributions are detrimental to Ohana’s operation, we have one-time costs to replace or repair broken or outdated equipment, or to grow our services. Email director@ohanahealthclinic.com for details
- Options Counseling Room Couch (1)
Current Employment Availability:
- Registered Nurse: Part-Time *Ultrasound trained a plus, *Spanish speaking a plus
- Receptionist: Part-Time (M, T & Th, F 11:00am-5:00pm), *Spanish speaking a plus
- Coming Soon: Advancement Manager