Abortion Pill Risks

Risks of Ordering The Abortion Pill Online

It’s important for you to be aware of the risks associated with getting the Abortion Pill online.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, preparing to take the abortion pill (also known as chemical abortion) includes a physical exam, ultrasound, and blood and urine tests. These are not procedures that can be accomplished online. Chemical abortion is not recommended for those who have the following conditions:

  • Have a pregnancy over 9 weeks
  • Have an ectopic pregnancy
  • Have clotting disorders or significant anemia
  • Have long-term adrenal failure
  • Use corticosteroids for extended periods
  • Have IUD in place
  • Have allergies to the medication
  • Cannot follow up for care
  • Don’t have emergency care access

Seeking a provider to give a full health history, receive a complete physical, and have an ultrasound is the only safe way to know if a chemical abortion is an option for you.

Still Deciding About Abortion?

You may be reading this because you are gathering more information about the abortion pill.  If you think you may be pregnant, our team can provide you with pregnancy testing and an ultrasound to confirm your pregnancy.

We have answers for you. Make an informed decision. You don’t have to make this journey alone.

Can You Reverse the Effects of the Abortion Pill?

Yes, when acting quickly and working with a medical professional, it may be possible to counteract the effects of the abortion pill.

How Can I Reverse my Chemical Abortion?

If you’ve taken the first pill, (mifepristone) of the two-step abortion pill process, but have second thoughts, you may still have time to reverse the effects.

Call the Abortion Pill Rescue hotline immediately at 877-558-0333.  

There will be on-call healthcare representative available to help you.